In Memory of Edgar Stoesz Kehler

Edgar Stoesz Kehler

Today, February 17th, marks 6 years since the passing of our amazing brother, Edgar Kehler.  Seldom has a day passed without thinking about the many memories that were created as we grew up together.

Edgar was a special brother who touched the lives of many people. As brothers, we were very close in a relationship that kept us together for life as best friends. He was full of life, seeing the best of everyone he met.  Those who knew him best admired him for the interest he took in each person. In meeting new people, one of the first things he’d do is the “Mennonite Connection” to see if there was a possibility of being a long lost relative. It seemed important to him.

Edgar, a true Berliner !

He loved life and loved to have fun. I will always remember how Edgar looked forward to celebrating our birthdays. Months ahead, he would plan how to celebrate. One of his favourite ways was by having a wiener roast in the bush on the farm. We saved for months just to buy one pound of wieners, buns and Coke.  I was always a little jealous that I was not born in June, when the weather was more favourable. Later in life, we spent much time together travelling to special events, double dating the girls who would become our wives.

It was a sad day when he was diagnosed with the Alzheimer’s related disease, “Picks”. It completely changed his personality. Edgar found it extremely hard to express himself which was a big handicap for him. Yet underneath his long journey of suffering and pain, Edgar remained my brother, my friend. I could write pages of memories, and good stuff about the one who now is in the best care ever – walking the streets gold, seeing the Pearly Gates, reunited with those who have gone on before, seeing the River of Life, welcomed by Jesus at the Heavenly house, entering into the mansion prepared just for him. How wonderful that through faith in Jesus Christ, we can look forward to that blessed reunion, never again to be separated by a long good-bye.

No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no human mind has conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.
1 Corinthians 2:9

Not forgotten,


4 thoughts on “In Memory of Edgar Stoesz Kehler”

  1. Thank you bro Stan for the sweet memories of our dear brother Edgar. Running a busy restaurant was labour intensive for Helen & Edgar. It was not always easy to show hospitality to everyone but they did & they both loved it. Edgar was a great communicator —peacemaker in our family.
    I can only imagine what your ears are hearing and your eyes are seeing in the mansion that God has prepared for those who love Him!
    We are waiting for a blessed reunion.
    You used to call me DEE- CHEH—later Mawee.

    Your big sister,

  2. Stan this is a wonderful memory story you wrote. Thanks for telling us about this wonderful cousin whom we all loved so much. He had personality that few people on this earth have. Truly a genuine Kehler. Our dad was so proud of Edgar and bragged about him a lot. Of course he loved all of Dave’s boys and the girls too. Life has not been the same since Edgar is gone and we all miss him and his fun loving wits about him. Love you Edgar … You really are walking on the golden streets and enjoying what has been prepared for you …

  3. I too, was fortunate enough to remember cousin Edgar since he was as a young boy. As a young tot he loved pretty things, and was enamoured with pretty lace and would discreetly lift the hem of a ladies dress to peek at and admire the beautiful lace. His mother wanted to admire a nice yard and flower garden, but could not make it alone, so one day Edgar started with flower beds some fruit trees and a bit of grass, and added a lawn swing for his mom, truly a labour of love. When he started the restaurant, he truly had hit the jackpot, a place where the friends and family could gather and visit. Everyone was greeted by the owner, and Edgar wanted to know their names and where they came from, they were important and always came back. He would greet us from the kitchen, and everyone knew when we arrived, we were special too.
    When Edgar and Stan each had a girlfriend [Helen and Mary] they came to our place in Transcona to show them off, and later Edgar and Helen would come to visit us. Helen was a wonderful partner for Edgar, and together they had a good business and life. The food was always excellent but most of all we enjoyed the wonderful hospitality.
    Cousin Glen

  4. Thanks Stan for your comments. Edgar had a special love for his relatives and friends from Rosenort. He would greet us even before we came through the door, everyone in the Restaurant would know who we were. The food was the best. His partner Helen, was suportive and worked with Edgar all his buiness life, what a pair.

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